Beer Blurb: Sub Rosa
Posted on April 15 2024,

Sub Rosa was the second beer Jonny ever brewed in our brewhouse. The BC Beer Awards were happening shortly after we opened. Although we wouldn’t recommend entering a brand-new beer, especially one made on a brand-new brewhouse, into a beer competition, we had little choice if we wanted to enter at all. So we submitted our first-batch beers not with the hope of winning, but the expectation that we’d get quality feedback from expert judges on how we could improve our beer.
Obviously, all judging is blind, which means that the judges don’t know which beers or breweries they’re judging, but the moderators might.
It turns out that Sub Rosa made it to the final round for Amber Ales, before one of the judges came up to the moderator and told them that they were going to kick a beer out because it wasn’t to style colour-wise. Once the judge confirmed their decision, the moderator laughed and said “well, this will be awkward when you get home” and then eliminated the beer from the competition.
The beer in question? Sub Rosa, which in fairness was pretty pale for an Amber Ale. The person who kicked it out of the competition? Nationally ranked beer judge Danny Seeton, who just happens to be the housemate of two of our founders, Chris & Sierra.
Thus, the first award Small Gods would have ever received (if only Sub Rosa was the right colour!) was denied by the friend and housemate of one of our founders.
So Danny, if you’re reading this, Jonny made it a bit more amber for you this time around. 😂
Obviously, all judging is blind, which means that the judges don’t know which beers or breweries they’re judging, but the moderators might.
It turns out that Sub Rosa made it to the final round for Amber Ales, before one of the judges came up to the moderator and told them that they were going to kick a beer out because it wasn’t to style colour-wise. Once the judge confirmed their decision, the moderator laughed and said “well, this will be awkward when you get home” and then eliminated the beer from the competition.
The beer in question? Sub Rosa, which in fairness was pretty pale for an Amber Ale. The person who kicked it out of the competition? Nationally ranked beer judge Danny Seeton, who just happens to be the housemate of two of our founders, Chris & Sierra.
Thus, the first award Small Gods would have ever received (if only Sub Rosa was the right colour!) was denied by the friend and housemate of one of our founders.
So Danny, if you’re reading this, Jonny made it a bit more amber for you this time around. 😂