Beer Blurb: Do Not Cite The Deep Magic To Me

Posted on June 10 2024, By: Christopher Bjerrisgaard

Beer Blurb: Do Not Cite The Deep Magic To Me

Freestyle IPA - 6.6% - (Strong Beer / Bière Forte)

The vibrant terroir of New Zealand bursts forward in this IPA with a blend of Manilita and Southern Cross hops in addition to Nelson Hop Kief from our friends at Freestyle Hops.

In 2009 Backcountry’s Marc Roberts and Small Gods’ Chris Bjerrisgaard attended the Pacific Institute of Culinary Art’s first-ever beer education program, heralding the dawn of the craft beer boom in BC. Some of the last of the old guard, they were there when the magic was written.

Ingredients: Water, Barley, Wheat, Oats, Hops, Yeast