Beer Blurb: Light Bringer

Posted on December 18 2023, By: Christopher Bjerrisgaard

Beer Blurb: Light Bringer

 Lunar Hazy IPA w/ Riwaka & Pacifica  - 7.0% - (Strong Beer / Bière Forte)

Warm fermented with the thiolized yeast strain Lunar Crush, this Hazy IPA is the natural evolution of our Lunar Hazy Pale. Light Bringer features huge passionfruit flavours from the use of Riwaka hops, balanced by a healthy dose of Pacifica hops for bitterness and floral character. This beer was designed to bring a bit of southern hemisphere light to our darkest time of the year.

Ingredients: Water, Barley, Wheat, Oats, Hops, Yeast